Esthetic Dentistry: Smile with Confidence at J.L. Prado In Tijuana
Dental Solutions for a Radiant Smile

It is a prosthesis to replace lost teeth that cannot be removed from the mouth by the patient, it is made of metal, that is covered with porcelain. The bridge is closed on prepared teeth or on implants.
Indirect restoration used to artificially replace parts of the natural tooth accidentally lost or intentionally removed.
Highly recommended to restore the entire front of the arches because they provide maximum aesthetics, so the patient can smile or speak with total security.
They are used to repair damaged teeth by cracks or cavities, without affecting the aesthetics of your smile.

Designed and structured in such a way that the patient can install and remove them from the mouth, thus facilitating the cleaning and maintenance of oral hygiene.
Designed and structured in such a way that the patient can install and remove them from the mouth, thus facilitating the cleaning and maintenance of oral hygiene. The material is free of metal and adheres better to soft tissues (gum).
A removable total prosthesis is integrated by two essential elements; the base prosthetic and artificial teeth. Replaces the total teeth of an arch.
A removable total prosthesis is integrated by two essential elements; the base prosthetic and artificial teeth. The material is free of metal and adheres better to soft tissues (gum).
Normally, if a tooth or hook has been broken or has been cracked cleanly, the prosthesis can be repaired by using a thermo polymerization resin or a self-curing acrylic resin.
The dentist makes a small hole in the crown of the molar tooth to be able to reach the pulp chamber and eliminate tooth decay, remove the infected pulp, clean the root canal, fill the ducts with resins, prepare the tooth to place a dental crown, cement the crown of the tooth and finish the treatment.
The retreatment of ducts should always be the first therapeutic option to solve an endodontic failure. It consists in the elimination of the present filling, the new cleaning and shaping of the ducts, as well as the identification and correction of the cause of the failure of the previous treatment. The ducts are re-filled and sealed, in order to subsequently follow up to assess the evolution.
The posts are elements that the dentist uses in the dental clinic to give greater retention to the reconstruction of composite teeth with destroyed crowns.
A removable total prosthesis is integrated by two essential elements; the base prosthetic and artificial teeth. The material is free of metal and adheres better to soft tissues (gum).
Normally, if a tooth or hook has been broken or has been cracked cleanly, the prosthesis can be repaired by using a thermo polymerization resin or a self-curing acrylic resin.

Simple procedure to eliminate all the accumulated tartar from the teeth, the line of the gum and the interdental spaces.
The dentist will use a dental scraping instrument to remove plaque and tartar from the surface of the tooth root.
The mouth is protected with a rubber protector on the gums around the dental necks, and then the gel that is an antioxidant agent is applied. Therefore, the oxidizing agent is applied.
Removing a tooth is usually because of some disease or trauma, or because there are piled teeth.
An incision is made in the tissue of the gums so that the tooth and bone are exposed. The tooth is divided into sections and then is extracted.
This involves the removal of teeth that are not easily accessible inside the mouth. This can be because they have not erupted through the rubber completely, or they have fractured under the rubber line. It is necessary to make an incision in the connective tissue that surrounds the tooth to access it for extraction.

The most commonly used type of dental implant, since titanium is naturally bonded to bone. The body does not reject it, it is resistant, it is not magnetic, and it is also quite light.
The attachment is a piece of high precision that needs a compatible design and adapts to the implant. Its function is to fix, retain and stabilize a prosthesis (crown) to the dental implant.
Surgical procedure consisting on the placement of a bone filling material and a biological membrane which protects this bone graft, in order to regenerate an area affected by bone loss.
Surgical technique that allows the increase of bone in the upper arch, with the aim of obtaining an adequate bone base in which to place osseointegrated implants.
The over denture is a complete but attached or grabbed the two implants in the lower case and four in the upper one. This difference is due to the fact that the maxillary bone is spongy and less strong than the lower one, and therefore needs more implants so that the prosthesis can be attached.
The overdenture is a complete but attached or grabbed the two implants in the lower case and four in the upper one. This difference is due to the fact that the maxillary bone is spongy and less strong than the lower one, and therefore needs more implants so that the prosthesis can be attached.
Consists of a dental prosthesis of complete arcade that fix screwed or cemented on 6 or 8 implants.
Consists of a dental prosthesis of complete arcade that fix screwed or cemented on 6 or 8 implants.
Permanent solution in which the dental pieces are placed on a number of biocompatible titanium implants, which is determined after TAC assessment by a specialist, in such a way that all the teeth of the mouth are replaced and the aesthetics and functionality of the teeth are imitated a denture of its own.
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