Step-by-Step Guide to Bariatric Surgery

Achieve Your Ideal Weight


Thinking about undergoing a sleeve procedure can generate anxiety and nervousness, as well as excitement and enthusiasm. Visit a far place to get a surgical procedure can make the decision even more difficult to take. Here we’re explaining you step by step from the first day you arrive to the vert last that’s this new experience is all about and hopefully bring you some calm.

Apply for surgery – on this link to open a medical form which must be answered, once finished press the submit button.

In the next few hours you will receive a phone call from our coordinators to explain what you should do next, they will also be there to answer any question or inquiry you may have.

You will receive a welcome letter where you will find information about our packages and costs.

Your medical form will be reviewed by our doctors to see if you are a candidate for the surgery of interest. Once your application is approved, you will be notified and you can set a date.

The finance department will send you all the payment information, where a deposit or transfer of 10% of the cost of the chosen package is needed. Once the deposit or transfer is made, the voucher must be sent to the finance area to proceed with scheduling your surgery date.

You will be contacted by our finance department manager so you can choose the day you want to perform the surgery.

Once your surgery date is scheduled, you’ll be informed about your pre-op diet, same that you’ll have to bring with you while during your trip, transport and airline.

It consists of making a diet based on smoothies for two weeks. The goal of this diet is to shrink the liver to have a safe and uncomplicated surgery. It is necessary that the liver is manageable so that the doctor can easily separate it from the area where the sleeve will be made.

Once you arrive at San Diego International Airport, our transport manager will be waiting for you to take you directly to the surgical center, located in the city of Tijuana, just 5 minutes from the border.

Arriving at the surgical center you will enter the main reception to fill out some forms and consents. There the rest of the surgery payment must be made if you have not done it yet.

We will take you directly to the nurse’s area where one of them will receive you. There the preparations will be made to make the cardiac assessment, blood laboratories, spirometry and endoscopy.

Our cardiologist will ask you some questions and put some electrodes to perform an electrocardiogram.

One of our nurses will put a catheter in one of your veins to channel you and thus be able to pass serums and medications that are indicated by the doctor. From here a little blood will be drawn to send it to analyze the laboratory.

Our specialist will do a test to see lung capacity. They are inspirations and expirations at a certain rhythm and intensity.

This assessment is done with a small sedation. The endoscope is introduced orally to the first portion of the duodenum with the aim of internally exploring that there are no ulcers, diverticula, polyps or any condition that may complicate the surgical procedure. This assessment is pain free.

Finishing all the valuations, you will be taken to the hotel that is across the street. You will be given food, instructions and the time they will pick you up in the lobby the next day. There you will rest for the rest of the day and you will spend your first night.

You will be picked up early in the hotel lobby at the indicated time. You will be taken directly to the surgical center where you will be prepared to enter the operating room to perform the procedure.

Once the surgery is over, you will spend an hour in the recovery area, and then be transferred to your corresponding room. The nurses will be at all times attending you and assisting you to walk or go to the bathroom if necessary. The doctor will visit you to see that everything is in order. Here you will spend your second night.

The next day of surgery will take you to perform a gastrography and consequently you will be taken to the recovery house where you will rest the rest of the day.

It is a test that is done to see the new stomach and make sure there is no type of leak. It is a very simple test where you are given a contrast medium to drink and through fluoroscopy you can see on a monitor the drawing of your stomach.

The recovery house has 24-hour nurses and doctors who will be on guard to assist you. There your assisted recovery will continue from our staff where you will spend your third night.

The doctor will give you the indications sheet of the post-operative diet, of the curations that you must perform and of how to take the medications (in case you bought them). You will be discharged, the catheter and drain will be removed, the corresponding curations will be done and that’s it. You are ready so that our transport takes you back to San Diego International Airport.

They are the recommendations that the doctor suggests you do so that the results are faster, effective and lasting.

They are the steps of how to make the corresponding curations of your wounds at home.

It is information about how to take medications, schedules, duration in days or in case of symptoms.

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