Meet Dr. Fredy López López: Bariatric Surgeon This Widget Just Use For Single Doctor Only! PERSONAL INFORMATION WORK EXPERIENCE PERSONAL INFORMATION Discover the expertise and skills of Dr. Fredy Lopez Lopez As a transplant surgeon, I have performed organ procurement surgeries for transplant purposes both in public and private hospitals. Since I joined sharp hospital […]
Meet Dr. Andrés Raymundo Moreno Corona: Plastic Surgery Specialist This Widget Just Use For Single Doctor Only! PERSONAL INFORMATION ACADEMIC INFORMATION PERSONAL INFORMATION Discover the expertise and skills of Dr. Andrés Raymundo Moreno Corona Gender: MaleNationality: MexicanAge: 35. ACADEMIC INFORMATION 2004-2008: School of Medicine, Center for University Studies Xochicalco 2008-2009: Rotary Undergraduate Internship, assigned to […]